Hong Kong Most Innovative Knowledge
Enterprise (MIKE) Award 2024

Winners List

Winners of the Hong Kong MIKE Award 2023
(in alphabetical order)

Airport Authority Hong Kong


The Bank of East Asia, Limited

Caritas Jockey Club Lok Yan School

CLP Power Hong Kong Limited*

Construction Industry Council

Electrical and Mechanical Services Department,
The Government of the HKSAR

Faculty of Education and Human Development,
The Education University of Hong Kong

Henderson Land Development Co. Ltd.
Hong Kong Correctional Services Department, The Government of the HKSAR*

Hong Kong Fire Services Department, The Government of the HKSAR*

Hong Kong Police Force, The Government of the HKSAR*

Leighton Contractors (Asia) Ltd

OpenCertHub Academy

Water Supplies Department,
The Government of the HKSAR

Top Winners

Airport Authority Hong Kong

Electrical and Mechanical Services Department,
The Government of the HKSAR

Water Supplies Department,
The Government of the HKSAR

The Best in Technology Deployment Award

Airport Authority Hong Kong

The Best in Knowledge Culture Award

Electrical and Mechanical Services Department,
The Government of the HKSAR

* Past winner through revalidation