Hong Kong Most Innovative Knowledge
Enterprise (MIKE) Award 2024


What is the MIKE Award?

The Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise (MIKE) Award builds on the original Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE) Award (Link) as conceived by Mr. Rory Chase of Teleos in 1998. The name change is because we want to showcase both innovation and existing knowledge to identify and recognize those organizations which are creating shareholder and or stakeholder wealth by leveraging new innovative and existing enterprise knowledge into superior products, services, and solutions. The MIKE Award is based on the original Global MAKE study, and we have substantially revised the MAKE assessment criteria. Thus, the new MIKE assessment is updated to reflect the growing dynamism of today’s innovative knowledge-based enterprises.

The new drive in KM now is how innovative enterprises are operating in our continually changing world. The criteria for the MIKE Award are based on the original MAKE framework, but with an emphasis on innovation. Based on the recent studies between innovation, knowledge management and intellectual capital management, the main factors which influence innovation performance are reinforced and expanded into new eight criteria for sustaining innovation in a knowledge enterprise. The MIKE Award is a diagnosis tool for improving innovations in enterprises and forms the basis for conducting an international benchmarking study.

The purposes of the MIKE Award are to:

  1. Recognise the achievement of companies and organizations on their innovation performance as a result of their effort in implementing good practices in knowledge and intellectual capital management.

  2. Create opportunities for companies/organizations to learn from one another to enhance their practices, and

  3. Provide expert feedback from the judges to applicants for their continued improvement.